Friday, March 27, 2009 Blogs - GLAMOUR GIRLS MySpace Blog Blogs - GLAMOUR GIRLS MySpace Blog: "Monday, March 02, 2009
17th Annual Golden Scissors Awards 'Hairtropica' Takes an Int.Detour to the Dominican Republic
Current mood: hyper
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
The 17th Annua..l Golde..n Sciss..ors Award..s
'..Hairt..ropic..a' Takes.. an Inter..natio..nal Detou..r to the
Domin..ican Repub..lic

Just beaut..iful, beaut..iful peopl..e and beaut..iful hair... You are surro..unded.. by an oasis.. of glamo..ur that is simpl..y sound..s to hard to resis..t! And it is!

The 17th Annua..l Golde..n Sciss..ors Award..s - '..Hairt..ropic..a' - will be to hard to resis..t on Fathe..r's Day weeke..nd. This illus..triou..s event.. will be held at the luxur..ious Occid..ental.. Grand.. Punta.. Cana -http:..//www. occid..ental..hotel..s. com/..occid..ental../..Desti..natio..nDomi..nican..Repub..lic. asp and consi..sts of 4 days and 3 spect..acula..r night..s of fashi..on, fun, and of cours..e - HAIR.

Come and bear to this inter..natio..nal histo..ric event... The Golde..n Sciss..ors Award..s have NEVER.. be held of the Unite..d State..s. You, your famil..y, and your salon.. can be apart.. of this truly.. momen..tous occas..ion.

To be apart.. of histo..ry, you can make a of $..125...00 by March.. 5 and begin.. a payme..nt plan to pay for rest of the trip... *..Note:.. The cost of the trip does not taxes.., surch..arges.., and

For more infor..matio..n about.. how you can purch..ase 'an exper..ience.. of a lifet..ime' call trave..l coord..inato..r Antra..nett Water..s at 202-..906-..0680.

I'll see you in the Domin..ican Repub..lic!"

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